
Neuro-oncogenesis and the adult human sub-ventricular zone in high grade glioma

Figure 2. Drug treatments of cancer stem cells derived from SVZ and T combined with molecular and phenotypic characterization of corresponding tissues can help classify HGG patients and develop personalized therapeutic approaches. A better understanding of drug resistance can be achieved by a systematic comparison of drug screening analyses between cancer stem cells isolated from the SVZ and T of the same HGG patient. This will be integrated with molecular profiling of the matched SVZ and T tissues, clinical data and the phenotypic characterization of the derived cells. This approach has the potential to impact on clinical decisions as the molecular/phenotypic characterization and phylogenetic reconstruction may allow a personalized therapeutic approach based on a better understanding of tumor heterogeneity and potentially may lead to the identification of novel targets in the SVZ and in the T. LV: lateral ventricle; T: tumor mass; HGG: high grade glioma; SVZ: sub-ventricular zone

Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation
ISSN 2349-6142 (Online) 2347-8659 (Print)


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