Editorial Board Member

Department of Engineering, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy.
Paola Verlicchi took a 5-year degree in Chemical Engineering and a Ph.D. in Safety and Environmental Chemical Engineering at the University of Bologna (AlmaMater Studiorum), Italy. Her first research was carried out at the Department of Chemical and Mining Engineering and Environmental Technologies of the University of Bologna and referred to the environmental risk assessment in the case of industrial accidents (release, fire, explosion). In 1999, she joined the University of Ferrara (UNIFE), Italy, Department of Engineering, serving as a Researcher and then Associate Professor in Environmental-Sanitary Engineering. She obtained the qualification for the role of full Professor in the same scientific sector in 2017 from the Italian Ministry of the University. At Unife, she is the Scientific Responsible for the Sanitary and environmental research group, responsible for assistant researchers, and supervisor of Ph.D. students. Her main research fields involve the occurrence and removal of emerging contaminants (mainly pharmaceuticals) from water and wastewater, the environmental risk assessment posed by their residues in the environment (water and soil), treatability, management, and treatment of hospital effluent; advanced biological treatments; adequate treatment for the reuse of reclaimed water; and constructed wetlands. She is responsible (for UNIFE) of national and international projects (in particular 3 EU-H2020 projects: SafeWaterAfrica, MSCA-ITN-EJD-Nowelties, and JPI-Serpic). She has published more than 55 papers, and 29 book chapters, edited 3 books, and wrote 1 manual on wastewater treatment (in Italian).
Research Interests:
Occurrence and removal of emerging contaminants from water and wastewater, Reuse of reclaimed water, Hospital effluent treatment, Environmental risk assessment, Constructed wetlands