Editorial Board Member

Faculty of Chemistry, Environmental Toxicology Laboratory, Toluca, Mexico; The Autonomous University of Estado de Mexico, Mexico.
Leobardo Gómez-Oliván obtained a Ph.D. in Chemical-biological Sciences with a specialization in Toxicology from the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico in 2005. At present, he is a Full Research Professor at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico, Faculty of Chemistry, Environmental Toxicology Lab (Toluca, México) since 2005. His expertise is documented by the number of original publications (121), an H index of 26, 1665 ISI citations, and the supervision of 21 Ph.D. theses, 45 Master´s theses, and 60 Bachelor theses (September 2021). He is the author of 39 book chapters and has been the editor of seven scientific books.
Research Interests:
Aquatic toxicology, Emerging contaminants, Metals, Genotoxicity, Citotoxicity, Embryotoxicity, Teratogenesis, Oxidative stress, Biomarkers