


Hayson Chenyu Wang

Department of Plastic Surgery, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Beijing, China.


Prof. Foad Nahai

The Center for Plastic Surgery at MetroDerm, Atlanta, USA.
Prof. Nahai is the editor-in-chief of Aesthetic Surgery Journal and the past president of several organizations including the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and the International Society of Plastic Surgery. He is internationally recognized as an innovator in the field of plastic surgery, where he has developed and refined many aesthetic and reconstructive procedures. His contribution to reconstructive surgery is extensive including the Mathes-Nahai classification of flaps and the description of the Tensor Fascia Lata flap as well as numerous refinements and innovations in reconstructive surgery.

Dr. Andrew L. Weinstein

Division of Plastic Surgery, Emory University School of Medicine, Atlanta, USA.

Dr. Oscar M. Ramirez

Department Plastic Surgery, Cleveland Clinic Florida, Cleveland, USA.
Dr. Ramirez is an internationally acclaimed Plastic Surgeon known for his landmark publications in reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. He is the inventor of the "Components Separation Technique" that has become the standard for abdominal wall reconstruction. He is also considered "the pioneer" in Facial Endoscopic Surgery and has advanced the art and science of aesthetic surgery in Body Contouring, Breast Reduction, Facial Implant Surgery and Rejuvenation.

Dr. Darryl J. Hodgkinson

Cosmetic and Restorative Surgery Clinic, Sydney, Australia.

Dr. Luiz A. Auersvald

Department of Plastic Surgery, Auersvald clinic of plastic surgery, Paraná, Brazil.

Dr. André Auersvald

Department of Plastic Surgery, Auersvald clinic of plastic surgery, Paraná, Brazil.

Dr. Diane Duncan

Plastic Surgical Associates of Fort Collins, Fort Collins, United States.

Dr. Da-Ping Yang

BeauCare Clinics, Beijing, China.



Topic: Achieving Better Results in Neck Lift: A Stimulating Discussion

Plastic and Aesthetic Research
ISSN 2349-6150 (Online)   2347-9264 (Print)


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