


Prof. Hamid Reza Karimi

Editor-in-Chief of Complex Engineering Systems

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy.


Prof. Marek Pawelczyk

Advisory Board Member of Complex Engineering Systems

Department of Measurements and Control Systems, Silesian University of Technology, Gliwice, Poland.

Prof. Marek Pawełczyk is a specialist in industrial automation, signal processing, vibroacoustics and mathematical modeling. He is the author or co-author of about 250 scientific publications, 3 monographs in English, and applied for 12 national and international patents. He managed 5 and was a contractor in 7 projects of the KBN, MNiSW, NCBiR and NCN, and also managed 15 industrial projects and was a contractor in 8 projects. Many of his developments have been implemented, and others are at an advanced stage of commercialization.

Currently, he serves as: Vice-Rector for Science and Development of the Silesian University of Technology; Head of the Department of Measurements and Control Systems at the Silesian University of Technology; chairman of the Scientific Policy Committee at the Ministry of Education and Science; president of the International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration, an international scientific society operating in about 70 countries; chairman of the Consortium of Silesian Technical Universities and so on. At the Silesian University of Technology, he coordinates the Excellence Initiative - Research University and the European University Eureca-Pro. For his achievements, he was awarded many times by, among others: the Minister of Higher Education, the Polish Academy of Sciences, the Foundation for Polish Science, FIAT, SIEMENS.

Talk Abstract

Noise is now one of the most significant human hazards in the workplace, making it difficult to communicate by voice, to hear alarms and warnings, and a source of many ailments and diseases, especially hearing diseases. Noise in the home makes it difficult to rest and causes irritation. One of the most important sources of noise is equipment, both industrial and domestic. Road noise plays a significant role as well. Even ventilation and air-conditioning noise can be irritating when one wants to rest. During the presentation, the author's contribution to noise control technology will be presented. An innovative solution for personal reduction will be presented. An advanced system for noise reduction in HVAC equipment as well as in large industrial halls will be shown. The author's own approach of vibrating enclosures to reduce the noise passing through them will be discussed. Low-cost solutions - passive and semi-active - will be offered.


Complex Engineering Systems
ISSN 2770-6249 (Online)


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