
Assigning single clinical features to their disease-locus in large deletions: the example of chromosome 1q23-25 deletion syndrome

Cell-free DNA as a potential biomarker in stroke: a comprehensive review of observational studies

<i>EHMT1</i> pathogenic variants and 9q34.3 microdeletions share altered DNA methylation patterns in patients with Kleefstra syndrome

Advancement in the diagnosis of mitochondrial diseases

New diagnostic pathways for mitochondrial disease

Historical analysis of suicide

The influence of CYP enzymes and ABCB1 on treatment outcomes in schizophrenia: association of CYP1A2 activity with adverse effects

Spectrum of movement disorders in mitochondrial diseases

Human induced pluripotent cells in personalized treatment of monogenic epilepsies

Animal models of autism: a perspective from autophagy mechanisms

A review of the pharmacogenomics of buprenorphine for the treatment of opioid use disorder

Precision medicine in early-onset epilepsy: the KCNQ2 paradigm

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Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics
ISSN 2578-5281 (Online)
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