Special Issue

Topic: Changing Trends in Hair Transplantation and Restoration

A Special Issue of Plastic and Aesthetic Research

ISSN 2349-6150 (Online)   2347-9264 (Print)

Submission deadline: 10 Oct 2024

Guest Editors

Dr. Dominique Van Neste
Skin and Hair Clinic, Skinterface, Tournai and Brussels, Belgium.
Dr. Christian Bisanga
Department of Hair Transplant, European College of Aesthetic Medicine & BHR Clinic, Belgium.
Prof. Colin Jahoda
Department of Biosciences, Durham University, Durham, UK.

Special Issue Introduction

Between 1989 and 1994, I published the results of my first experiments in transplanting follicles from the human scalp onto nude mice. The purpose of these experiments was to test laboratory models to better understand the behavior of follicles in vivo. It would be difficult, for example, to establish unknown influences of interadnexial tissues, document permanent or impermanent effects that depend on local-regional variations, a concept largely known as donor-dominance, and assess the suppressive effects of hormones, the in vivo performance of genetically affected follicles, to measure the dynamics of hair growth like slow growing or non-productive stages that could be activated or stimulated by topical agents such as minoxidil with or without antiandrogens; the difficulty being first and foremost an ethical one!  

My commitment to the preparation of the special edition is evident, as the trend of scalp hair transplantation is a hot topic that puts the interaction between various specialities  in perspective aiming at the future improvement of human hair transplantation. Therefore, I invited 2 co-editors: Dr. Christian Bisanga and Prof. Colin Jahoda. The former is a transplant surgeon and skillful practitioner who has come up with innovative solutions for African scalp transplants. Prof. Colin Jahoda has been active for many years in the field of cell biology applied to the hair follicle. Both immediately agreed to assist me in this task and I am grateful to both of them. Alongside fundamental experiments, Colin Jahoda and his team were the first to prove that the recombination of a dermal papilla taken from a male donor was capable of inducing the production of human hair from a hairless area in a female subject. This original experiment opens up very wide avenues for research.

This invitation is addressed to new authors or to authorities already recognized internationally. Ideas and experience, together with evidence concerning technological improvements in the field, are welcome. We are open to reviewing our views on methods of measuring efficiency, and we are ready to take on the challenge of artificial intelligence by measuring its degree of autonomy in terms of ‘intelligence' to measure technological improvements in grafting sessions by robotics, to see the promising biological determinants of success, for example, the use of 3D printers, substrates or cells cultured in vitro and many more. This invitation is addressed to all colleagues who wish to share their knowledge at the international level.  

All submitted papers will be evaluated by an independent peer-reviewing process in order to ensure the highest degree of scientific merit. If desirable, the editors will make comments in the form of editorial notes in connection with the best-rated works.

On top of that, a video conference will also be possible in addition to the publication and  leading participants will be invited to the discussion.

We hope to find an appropriate surgical solution with colleagues who are scientifically appreciated and whose technical skills are recognized.

Submission Deadline

10 Oct 2024

Submission Information

For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/par/author_instructions
For Online Submission, please login at IssueId=par2410101500
Submission Deadline: 10 Oct 2024
Contacts: Frida Wang, Assistant Editor, Frida@parjournal.net

Published Articles

Hair restoration surgery: pre-surgical considerations and pitfalls
Open Access Review 24 Jul 2024
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Plastic and Aesthetic Research
ISSN 2349-6150 (Online)   2347-9264 (Print)


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