Special Issue

Topic: Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery and Gender-Affirming Surgery
A Special Issue of Plastic and Aesthetic Research
ISSN 2349-6150 (Online) 2347-9264 (Print)
Submission deadline: 31 Dec 2023
Guest Editors
Special Issue Introduction
Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery include a range of procedures performed on the female genital area to alter its aesthetic appearance and/or function. These procedures have gained more and more popularities nowadays. From 2002 to 2021, 1169 papers in this field were published. We hope to invite the most distinguished experts who are interested in this field to publish their novel ideas in this Special Issue, to discuss about the surgery/non-surgical procedures, patient safety and ethical problems, etc.
Gender affirming surgery is performed to change primary and/or secondary sex characteristics, in most of the cases, for the transgender people who are continuing suffered from gender dysphoria. It contains a series of surgical procedures which can provide options to reduce the varied unacceptable original sex characteristics, as well as rebuild the desirable opposite characteristics. These series of surgical procedures include genital surgery, breast surgery, facial and laryngeal surgery, body surgery, vocal surgery, and skin and hair therapy. We welcome all the staff in these field to share your special experience in the topic listed above, and expect an academic discussion.
Gender affirming surgery is performed to change primary and/or secondary sex characteristics, in most of the cases, for the transgender people who are continuing suffered from gender dysphoria. It contains a series of surgical procedures which can provide options to reduce the varied unacceptable original sex characteristics, as well as rebuild the desirable opposite characteristics. These series of surgical procedures include genital surgery, breast surgery, facial and laryngeal surgery, body surgery, vocal surgery, and skin and hair therapy. We welcome all the staff in these field to share your special experience in the topic listed above, and expect an academic discussion.
Submission Deadline
31 Dec 2023
Submission Information
For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/par/author_instructions
For Online Submission, please login at IssueId=par2312311312
Submission Deadline: 31 Dec 2023
Contacts: Frida Wang, Assistant Editor, Frida@parjournal.net