Special Issue

Topic: Advances in Green Product Designing and Manufacturing Processes

A Special Issue of Green Manufacturing Open

ISSN 2835-7590 (Online)

Submission deadline: 30 Apr 2025

Guest Editor(s)

Prof. Dr. Yu "Frank" Yang
Department of Chemistry, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA.

Special Issue Introduction

Although the universe is vast and seemingly endless, Earth remains the only known planet that we can call home. To reduce carbon emissions, it is imperative to prioritize green manufacturing and carbon dioxide trapping. With this in mind, the goal of this Special Issue is to promote greener designs, products, and manufacturing processes. This Special Issue will focus on, but not be limited to, the following topics:
● Chemical reactions in supercritical carbon dioxide;
● Chemical processes in subcritical water (high-temperature and high-pressure water, superheated water, or pressurized hot water);
● Green or greener product designing;
● Green or greener manufacturing processes;
● Carbon dioxide trapping and reuse.

This Special Issue invites the submission of both original and review articles.


Green design, low carbon, green manufacturing processes, supercritical carbon dioxide, subcritical water, CO2 trapping, CO2 reuse

Submission Deadline

30 Apr 2025

Submission Information

Ten articles in the Special Issue are exempt from article processing charges.
For Author Instructions, please refer to https://www.oaepublish.com/gmo/author_instructions
For Online Submission, please login at https://oaemesas.com/login?JournalId=gmo&SpecialIssueId=GMO231120
Submission Deadline: 30 Apr 2025
Contacts: Grace Hu, Assistant Editor, gmo@oaemesas.com

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Green Manufacturing Open
ISSN 2835-7590 (Online)
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