
Vessel Plus is Accepted for Scopus

Published on: 7 Oct 2021 Viewed: 2329

We are very excited to announce that Vessel Plus (VP, Online ISSN: 2574-1209, Publisher: OAE Publishing Inc.) has been accepted for the Scopus database on 1st October after being rigorously evaluated by the Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB). This is a significant breakthrough in the course of journal development. The Editorial Office would like to express sincere gratitude to all Editorial Board members, Guest Editors, authors, reviewers, readers, and those contributing to VP.

The reviewer of Scopus commented that the journal is publishing around 40 items per annum with very high citation activity; there are no obvious contraindications to accession to Scopus at this point.

As mentioned in the official email from Scopus, in general, the title will be listed in the Scopus Title list within one month after acceptance.

It is well-known that Scopus is the biggest abstract and citation database globally, which covers the natural sciences, technology, engineering, medicine, social sciences, arts, humanities, and many other disciplines. The high recognition and praise of VP from Scopus will encourage it to continue to adhere to the principle of high-quality publication, explore innovative academic topics and make every effort to publish valuable academic findings for promoting the innovation and development of scientific research. Thus, we firmly believe that VP will get a brighter future in the related field.

Vessel Plus
ISSN 2574-1209 (Online)
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