Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal
A rigorous and impartial peer-review process is essential for publication, which can help authors revise their papers in a timely manner and contribute to a sound academic environment. Here, we would like to sincerely thank every reviewer who dedicated time and professional skills to reviewing manuscripts for Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal in 2022:
Sara Guerrero Aspizua | Ségolène Aymé | Christian Bailly |
Jacques S. Beckmann | Johannes Berger | Olivier Blin |
Sandra Arduim Brasil | Gillian Butler-Browne | Sophie Christin-Maitre |
Carroll Cross | Angel Cuesta | Iztok Dolenc |
Mehmet Ali Ergün | Christine Fetro | Francesca Fioredda |
Paola Fortugno | Eleni Gavriilaki | Paulo Ricardo Gazzola Zen |
Nathalie Godefroid | Holm Graessner | Stephen Groft |
Stephen C. Groft | Gijs van Haaften | Umur Hatipoglu |
Gary Housley | Tuula Kallunki | Thomas Kenny |
Ágnes Kinyó | Satomi Kita | Ayca Kiykim |
Austin Letcher | Hanns Lochmüller | Gert Matthijs |
Toshiyuki Nagasawa | Daniel O'Connor | Paul Orchard |
Federico Pallardo | Pan Pantziarka | Anne Pariser |
David Pearce | Nicoletta Pedemonte | Manuel Posada |
Xuping Qin | Hua Ren | Miklós Sahin-Tõth |
Judy Savige | Peter Schmidt | Susana Seixas |
Paulo Victor Sgobbi Souza | Jaspreet Singh | Veronika Stoka |
Violeta Stoyanova-Beninska | Charlie Strange | Tönis Timmusk |
Kazunori Tobino | Vito Turk | Jaymin Upadhyay |
Lorena Urbanelli | Elvis Valera | Malgorzata Wygrecka |
Thanks again to these reviewers for providing professional review reports for journal submissions!
For more information about preferential policies for journal reviewers, please contact our Editorial Office:
Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office
Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal