Acknowledgment to Reviewers of One Health & Implementation Research in 2022
With 2022 winding down, we would like to take this opportunity to convey our appreciation to the reviewers who took the time and effort to review the manuscripts submitted to One Health & Implementation Research.
We greatly appreciate all valuable comments and suggestions, which helped to improve the quality of the manuscripts and contributed to the global enhancement of the scientific level of the journal. The Editorial Office sincerely thanks the following reviewers for their excellent contributions to the development of the journal in 2022.
Alberto Novaes Ramos | Jianqiang Ye | Mustapha Debboun |
Alireza Sazmand | Joachim Richter | Olivier Sparagano |
Carlos Henrique Alencar | Jolianne M. Rijks | Richard Dery Suu-Ire |
Catherine Gordon | Jorg Heukelbach | Roderick Gagne |
Charles E. Rupprecht | Jorge Gomez Marin | S. A. Shwiff |
Charles Mbogo | Josephine Ngunjiri | S. T. Chambers |
Christine Fehlner-Gardiner | Josephine Wanjiku Ngunjiri | Solomon Raju Moturu |
Chun-Ren Wang | Julianne Meisner | Tarja Sironen |
Daniel Brooks | Kosta Mumcuoglu | Tiziana Trogu |
Elżbieta Żbikowska | Lihua Xiao | Uade Samuel Ugbomoiko |
Gad Baneth | Lorenzo Simonato | Valeria Trivellone |
Guilherme Werneck | Marcos Antônio Bezerra-Santos | Walter Bruchhausen |
Heiko Becher | Maria Grazia Dente | Xiaonong Zhou |
Hiroyuki Noda | Martin Pfeffer | Xingquan Zhu |
Jacob Tennessen | Michele Tizzani | Ye Liu |
Jiahai Lu | Monique Léchenne | Zulqarnain baloch |
The Editorial Office of One Health & Implementation Research wishes you peace, joy and prosperity in the coming year. Looking forward to working with you in 2023.
Respectfully submitted by the Editorial Office of One Health & Implementation Research