Announcement of Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics Best Guest Editors Award 2024
In recognition of the dedication and excellence demonstrated by Guest Editors of Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics who curate Special Issues featuring high-quality published articles, we are pleased to introduce the 2024 Best Guest Editors Award. This award is designed to honor and encourage outstanding Guest Editor(s) of a selected Special Issue.
Eligibility Requirements: To be considered for the 2024 Best Guest Editors Award, Guest Editors of Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics must have successfully compiled their Special Issues in 2024, each producing an E-book containing at least 10 high-quality papers.
Selection Criteria:
1. Quality of the published papers in the Special Issue;
2. Number of papers published (at least 10 articles);
3. Citations and downloads of all published articles (Data source: Web of Science).
Announcement Date:
The recipients of the 2024 Best Guest Editors Award will be publicly announced in March 2026.
Winner(s) will be awarded:
1. 1,000 USD and an electronic certificate signed by the Editor-in-Chief;
2. An exclusive opportunity to curate a new Special Issue in Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics in 2026, with all papers published exempt from APCs after standard peer review;
3. An invitation for a special interview, featuring prominently on the journal homepage and across all media promotion platforms of the journal and OAE Publishing Inc;
4. Opportunities to serve as Chair(s) or Guest Speaker(s) for journal webinars.
The Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics Best Guest Editors Award will be presented biennially.
Editor: Jixiang Zhao
Language Editor: Catherine Yang
Production Editor: Yan Zhang
Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office of Journal of Translational Genetics and Genomics