Acknowledgment to Reviewers of Vessel Plus in 2024
Published on: 13 Jan 2025 Viewed: 156
The Editorial Office of Vessel Plus sincerely extends its heartfelt gratitude to our esteemed international reviewers for their generous dedication of time and expertisen in evaluating manuscripts submitted to the journal in 2024. Their invaluable insights and constructive feedback have played a vital role in maintaining and enhancing the quality of our publications.
We are immensely appreciative of each reviewer listed below for their outstanding contributions to the peer-review process:
Name | Country | Name | Country |
Adam C. Midgley | China | Li Zhang | China |
Akiko Tanaka | United States | Liansheng Wang | China |
Alberto Cereda | Italy | Lingfeng Chen | China |
Alessandro Della Corte | Italy | Lorenzo Veschini | United Kingdom |
Alessandro Maloberti | Italy | Louis Chu | United States |
Alessandro Sticchi | Italy | Luca Di Marco | Italy |
Alexander E. Berezin | Austria | Luca Quartuccio | Italy |
Alistair Royse | Australia | Malgorzata Burek | Germany |
Ana Agueda | Portugal | Manel Sabaté | Spain |
Andrea Perrelli | Italy | Manel Sabaté Tenas | Spain |
Andrea Salica | Italy | Manfred Hecking | Austria |
Andrzej Polanczyk | Poland | Marcello Iasiello | Italy |
Anne Abbott | Australia | Marco Pocar | Italy |
Antonella Tommasino | Italy | Marcus Beijk | Netherlands |
Antonio Fasano | Italy | Maria Felice Brizzi | Italy |
Arpan De | United States | Marie N Sarda Kolopp | France |
Arvind P. Pathak | South Korea | Massimo G. Lemma | China |
Astuti Giantini | Indonesia | Milan M. Milojevic | Netherlands |
Ba-Bie Teng | United States | Ming-Yi Wang | United States |
Barbara Bellini | Italy | Mitsuhiro Takeno | Japan |
Bernhard Biersack | Germany | Mohamed Soliman-Hamad | Netherlands |
Brandon Lucke-Wold | United States | Morgan Salmon | United States |
Burattini Laura | Italy | Niamh M. Hynes | Ireland |
Carl J. Lavie | United States | Nishank Jain | United States |
Carlos A. Mestres | Switzerland | Niya Emilova | Bulgaria |
Carlos A. Mestres | Switzerland | Niya Emilova | Bulgaria |
Carmine Pizzi | Italy | Paolo Nardi | Italy |
Christopher Lau | United States | Patrice X. Petit | France |
Chunhua Jiang | China | Patrick W. Serruys | Ireland |
Darryl Raymond Davis | Canada | Paul A. Janmey | United States |
David Liew | Australia | Pierluigi Luigi Stefano | Italy |
Dennis Cordato | Australia | Pietro Scicchitano | Italy |
Dimitris Tatsis | Greece | Rafael Vidal-Perez | Spain |
Domenico Ribatti | Italy | Rajesh Gupta | United States |
Enno van der Velde | Netherlands | Rana O. Afifi | United States |
Eric Osborn | United States | Rene Gordon Holzheimer | Germany |
Evora Paulo Roberto Barbosa | Brazil | Roger M. Leblanc | United States |
Fabrizio Ceresa | Italy | Rory Ryan Koenen | Netherlands |
Fabrizio Monaco | Italy | Roser Solans Laqué | Spain |
Francesco Formica | Italy | Santos Castañeda | Spain |
Frank W. Sellke | United States | Sarah Onida | United Kingdom |
Fraser D. Rubens | Canada | Saravanan Subramaniam | United States |
Gabor G. Toth | Austria | Shahzad G. Raja | United Kingdom |
Gaetano Santulli | United States | Shaoquan Zheng | China |
Gary Mintz | United States | Shou-Dong Guo | China |
Gary W. Lemmon | United States | Smita Joshi | United States |
Gatikrushna Panigrahi | United States | Stanislav Kotlyarov | Russia |
George Samanidis | Greece | Stefano Schena | United States |
George Samanidis | Greece | Stefano Schena | United States |
Gianandrea Pasquinelli | Italy | Stephen Edward Fremes | Canada |
Gjin Ndrepepa | Germany | Sukgu Han | United States |
Gregory J. Landry | United States | Sung-Jin Hong | South Korea |
Hailin Tang | China | Sunil Rao | United States |
Hector Tamez | Israel | Sven Peterss | Germany |
Hector Willem Livius de Beaufort | Netherlands | Tairo Kurita | Japan |
Helmut Mair | Germany | Takushi Kohmoto | United States |
Himani V. Bhatt | United States | Thierry Caus | France |
Hiroshi Furukawa | Japan | Thomas F. Lindsay | Canada |
Hugh Paterson | Australia | Thomas Knudsen | United States |
Huiyu Qiao | China | Tohru Asai | Japan |
Igor Vendramin | Italy | Tomasz Urbanek | Poland |
Jack W. Lawler | United States | Tommaso Cambiaghi | United States |
James Tatoulis | Australia | Toshihide Tanaka | Japan |
Jan Willem Cohen Tervaert | Canada | Tsuyoshi Yamabe | Japan |
Jay H. Traverse | United States | Vijay Patel | United States |
Jiacan Su | China | Vincent R. Conti | United States |
John Alex Elefteriades | United States | Vui King Vincent-Chong | United States |
John J. Halperin | United States | Wijnand den Dekker | Netherlands |
Joost Ter Woorst | Netherlands | Wilko Reents | Germany |
José Luís Ruíz-Sandoval | Mexico | Xiaoxing Kou | China |
Joseph S. Coselli | United States | Xin Chen | China |
Jun Feng | United States | Xin Li | China |
Junping Zhang | China | Yihai Cao | Sweden |
Katharina Jandl | Austria | Yi-Qing Yang | China |
Kathryn Wood Holmes | United States | Yuanzheng Zhang | China |
Keli Hu | United States | Yusuke Watanabe | Japan |
Kevin Kwaku | United States | Yutian Zou | China |
Konstantinos A. Gatzoulis | Greece | Zahidul I. Pranjol | United Kingdom |
Kosmas I. Paraskevas | Greece | Zheng Guo | Australia |
Leyla Esmealy | Iran | Zhonghua Sun | Australia |
Note: The list is arranged in alphabetical order.
Editor: Ada Chen
Language Editor: Catherine Yang
Production Editor: Ting Xu
Respectfully submitted by the Editorial Office of Vessel Plus