
Welcome Professor Hong-Chao Zhang as the Editor-in-Chief of Green Manufacturing Open

Published on: 17 Feb 2022 Viewed: 1436

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Hong-Chao Zhang as the Editor-in-Chief of Green Manufacturing Open (GMO), a new online journal launched by OAE Publishing Inc. in February 2022.


Hong-Chao Zhang, Emeritus E.L. Derr Endowment Professor of Texas Tech University. Fellow of International Institution for Production Engineering Research (CIRP), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME). Member of the Institute of Electrical Electronics Engineers (IEEE), American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE), and a Senior Member of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE).

His main research interests focus on the remanufacturing of mechanical equipment, sustainable manufacturing, manufacturing systems and material processing, manufacturing enterprise systems, reverse logistics, product and process modeling, automated tolerancing analysis and synthesis, and intelligent manufacturing. Professor Zhang has raised $18,294,326 in research funding from the National Science Foundation(NSF), Department of Defense of the United States(DOD), National Institute of Standards and Technology(NIST), Society of Manufacturing Engineers(SME) and other government and industry agencies. He served as over 50 major invited speakers for industry and government agencies and established wide collaborative linkages with industry. As of the beginning of 2022, he has published over 300 publications and more than 9,700 citations. Professor Zhang also has rich experience in journal management. He has served as a member of the Journal Committee of SME for the last four years. He had been Associate Editor or Advisory Board member in many international journals.

In his new role, Professor Zhang commented, "greening manufacturing is still in its infancy. It is impossible to itemize overall research tools, methodologies, and technologies as well theoretical areas that require and can contribute to greening manufacturing. However, this is our way that we will go step by step toward the goals. That is the basic strategy for this new journal."

GMO will report on all aspects of green manufacturing activities, including (but not limited to) product design, process design and planning, innovative and nontraditional manufacturing processes, minimize environmental impacts, natural resource and energy consumption, packaging, product utilization and consumption, remanufacturing processes, additive manufacturing process for remanufacturing, hybrid manufacturing process to achieve environmentally consciousness, and the end of life product refurbishing, materials recovery, and recycling and disposal processes. The journal provides high quality and leading-edge research activities, quantitative and evitable results, and validated data.

We would like to extend our sincere welcome to Professor Zhang for acting in this new exciting role.

Click here to know more about Prof. Hong-Chao Zhang.

Green Manufacturing Open
ISSN 2835-7590 (Online)
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