
The Third Editorial Board Meeting of Complex Engineering Systems was Successfully Held

Published on: 24 Jan 2024 Viewed: 650

The third online Editorial Board meeting of Complex Engineering Systems (CES) was held on February 19, 2024, at 21:00 (UTC+8). Prof. Hamid Reza Karimi, the Editor-in-Chief, chaired the meeting, delivering a comprehensive review of the journal's achievements in 2023. Expressing gratitude for the valuable contributions made by our esteemed Editorial Board members, Prof. Karimi presented the 2023 Outstanding Contribution Award (Kelly Cohen) and the 2023 Best Service Award (Yurong Liu and Yilun Shang) on behalf of the journal, acknowledging the significant impact of Editorial Board members in 2023.

The subsequent discussions revolved around the development plan for the journal in 2024. Participants delved into upcoming challenges and explored ways the Editorial Board members can contribute to achieving the journal's development goals.

The participating Editorial Board members voiced their commitment to continuing support for CES, pledging their utmost efforts towards advancing the journal. They expressed confidence in collectively achieving the journal's development objectives.

Guided by Prof. Karimi and fortified by the steadfast support of the Editorial Board, CES is poised to reach new heights in 2024!

Online Editorial Board Meeting Screenshot (Zoom)

Attendance list (in no particular order):
Hamid Reza Karimi, Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
Advisory Board Member:
Marek Pawelczyk, Silesian University of Technology, Poland.
Subject Editors:
Kelly Cohen, University of Cincinnati, USA.
Yurong Liu, Yangzhou University, China.
Bidare Divakarachari Parameshachari, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, India.
Ding Wang, Beijing University of Technology, China.
Associate Editors:
Qichun (Kit) Zhang, University of Bradford, UK.
Hassen Fourati, University Grenoble Alpes, France.
Seyed-Mehdi Rakhtala, Golestan University, Iran.
Quanxin Zhu, Hunan Normal University, China.
Mohammad Hammoudeh, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK.
Zhouchao Wei, China University of Geosciences, China.
Gyan Ranjan Biswal, VSS University of Technology, India.
Junior Editorial Board Members:
Mingyang Xie, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, China.
Zhiwen Chen, Central South University, China.
Liying Zhu, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), China.
Hongtian Chen, University of Alberta, Canada.
Bowen Zhou, Northeastern University, China.
Javier Viaña Pérez, University of Cincinnati, USA.
Zhiyu Jiang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China.
Minjie Zheng, Jimei University, China.
Editorial Office:
Managing Editor: Wen Zhang
Assistant Editor: Lyric Zhang

Editor: Lyric Zhang
Language Editor: Emma Chen
Production Editor: Yan Zhang
Respectfully Submitted by the Editorial Office of Complex Engineering Systems (CES)

Complex Engineering Systems
ISSN 2770-6249 (Online)


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