
Congratulations to Prof. Hamid Reza Karimi for Winning the CM Innovation Award for 2021

Published on: 11 Oct 2022 Viewed: 1290

The Editorial Office of Complex Engineering Systems warmly congratulates Prof. Hamid Reza Karimi, the Editor-in-Chief, for winning the Condition Monitoring (CM) Innovation Award for 2021.

About CM Innovation Award

The CM Innovation Award recognizes a significant contribution to technology innovation, technology transfer or technology strategy in the field of CM over a period of at least 5-10 years. The award is created by The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing (BIDNT), a professional institute for individuals and organizations who involved in non-destructive testing, condition monitoring and all other materials testing disciplines, with a focus on the education and training of its members, and the advancement of the science and practice of the subjects. 

Prof. Karimi was recognized as the 2016-2021 Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering (Clarivate Analytics), awarded the August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professorship, the 2020 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award, the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Research Award and the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung Research Award, etc. His current research interests include control systems and Mechatronics and its Application in Automobile Control System, vibration systems, robotics and wind energy.

Congratulations again to Prof. Karimi for winning this award. Thanks for his continued strong support for Complex Engineering Systems.

Available from:

Complex Engineering Systems
ISSN 2770-6249 (Online)


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