
Ageing and Neurodegenerative Diseases (AND) 2024 Annual Report

Published on: 14 Jan 2025 Viewed: 114

The Ageing and Neurodegenerative Diseases (AND) journal is pleased to release its 2024 Annual Report, showcasing significant achievements in academic influence, Editorial Board expansion, and community engagement. Reflecting on a year of progress, the unwavering dedication of our Editorial Board members, reviewers, and authors has been instrumental in maintaining the high standards that define our journal's ongoing success.

Key Highlights:

1. Successfully organized one webinar and conducted interviews with four leading experts in the field.
2. Achieved a notable increase in Google Scholar citations, rising from 69 in 2023 to 91 in 2024, enhancing the journal's academic impact.
3. Launched five Special Issues addressing hot topics in neurodegenerative research.

Submission and Publication Metrics

In 2024, AND maintained a steady submission rate with 44 manuscripts received and 19 papers published, underscoring the journal’s growing recognition in the field of neurodegenerative research.

As illustrated in Figure 1, the majority of publications originated from the United States (21%), China (58%), and Germany (6%).


Figure 1. Author Distribution by Country

Among our 25 corresponding authors, we are proud to highlight contributions from distinguished scholars such as Prof. Yu-Feng Zang from Hangzhou Normal University, Prof. Huaibin Cai from the National Institutes of Health, and Prof. Renjie Chai from Southeast University. Notably, 37% of our authors have an H-index between 20 and 50, while 10% boast an H-index of 50 or higher (Figure 2).


Figure 2. H-index Distribution of Corresponding Authors

New Editorial Board Members

In 2024, AND welcomed six renowned scholars to the Editorial Board, further strengthening our academic leadership. These new members, from leading institutions worldwide, bring expertise in various neurodegenerative fields (Figure 3).


Figure 3. New Editorial Board Members

Special Issues

Throughout the year, AND collaborated with eight distinguished Guest Editors to launch five Special Issues (Figure 4). Each Guest Editor has an H-index exceeding 40, reflecting their exceptional expertise. These Special Issues address critical and emerging topics in neurodegenerative research, providing valuable insights and further enhancing the journal’s impact. A complete list of ongoing Special Issues is available at:


Figure 4. Special Issue Cover Showcase

Academic Activities

AND actively organized and participated in a series of academic activities throughout the year, including a webinar focused on writing guidance for authors and four academic talks delivered by leading experts (Figure 5). Highlight videos from these events are available at: and


Figure 5. Poster Presentations at Academic Activities

Citation Growth

AND saw a substantial increase in citations in 2024, with Google Scholar citations increasing from 69 in 2023 to 91 in 2024 (Figure 6). This growth underscores the journal’s expanding impact within the scientific community. The most frequently cited research topics include Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, and biological resilience in aging.


Figure 6. Citation Growth Trend on Google Scholar

Expert Visits

In 2024, our publisher, Ms. Haidi Ding, visited esteemed Editorial Board members, including Prof. Guoyuan Yang, Prof. Xiaojiang Li, and Dr. Sen Yan. These visits fostered valuable discussions on journal development strategies and strengthened collaborations. In November, we had the honor of hosting Prof. Le Weidong, the journal’s Editor-in-Chief, at our Xi'an Office to discuss the future development of the journal, centering on refining editorial strategies and identifying new research directions (Figure 7).


Figure 7. Memorable Moments from Expert Visits

Editorial Board Meeting

The AND Editorial Board Meeting, held in December 2024, brought together prominent members to discuss development goals, strategies for improving peer review processes, and plans for enhancing the journal’s visibility in the academic community (Figure 8).


Figure 8. Attendees of the Editorial Board Meeting

Looking Ahead

As Ageing and Neurodegenerative Diseases enters its next phase of growth, we remain committed to advancing research, fostering collaboration, and providing a platform for cutting-edge discoveries in neurodegenerative diseases.

We sincerely thank all our Editorial Board members, reviewers, authors, and readers for their invaluable contributions and ongoing support.

Stay tuned for more updates and opportunities to engage with our academic community in 2025!

Editor: Grace Lei
Language Editor: Catherine Yang
Production Editor: Ting Xu
Respectfully submitted by the Editorial Office of Ageing and Neurodegenerative Diseases

Ageing and Neurodegenerative Diseases
ISSN 2769-5301 (Online)


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