Editorial Board Member
Zheng Xu
School of Computer Engineering and Sciences, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China.
Zheng Xu was born in Shanghai, China. He received the Ph.D. degrees from the School of Computing Engineering and Science, Shanghai University, Shanghai, in 2012. He is currently the tenure professor in Shanghai University, China. His current research interests include wireless communications, surveillance systems, and mobile crowd sensing with over 1,700 citations (H-index 22). He has authored or co-authored more than 90 publications including IEEE Trans. On Fuzzy Systems, IEEE Trans. On Automation Science and Engineering, IEEE Trans. On Emerging Topics in Computing, IEEE Trans. on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, IEEE Trans. On Cloud Computing, IEEE Trans. on Big Data etc. He is also the associate editor of IEEE Access journal, Intelligent automation& soft computing journal, and Springer ECR journal.
Research Interests
Social network analysis, Social computing, Web science, Data mining, Knowledge discovery, Knowledge management, Web mining, Social informatics, Crowdsourcing