
Special Interview with Dr. Juan Politei

Published on: 25 Apr 2024 Viewed: 829

On  April 22, 2024, the Editorial Office of Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal was delighted to interview Dr. Juan Politei, a specialist in Fabry disease, regarding his article titled "Gastrointestinal involvement in Fabry disease". During the interview, Dr. Politei talked about the key points of his article, his current research, and prospects within the field of Fabry disease, and offered suggestions for the future development of the journal. Let us delve into the insights shared by Dr. Politei during this video interview.

Author Biography

Dr. Juan Politei is an adult neurologist and Staff Member of SPINE Fundation in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
He has published several peer-reviewed papers focusing on the neurological aspects of lysosomal diseases. Additionally, Dr. Politei has authored chapters in several publications addressing neurological aspects of disorders such as Fabry disease, MPS, and Pompe disease. Currently, he serves as an Editorial Board member for several journals related to inborn errors of metabolism and neuromuscular diseases.

The interview questions are outlined below:

1) Could you please provide a brief overview of the main content covered in your article “Gastrointestinal involvement in Fabry disease” for our readers?

2) What do you think is the standout feature of this article?

3) How do you envision this article contributing to the future advancement of Fabry disease research?

4) Given your expertise in neuromuscular disorders, could you share updates on your research progress and your predictions and prospects for the future development of this field?

5)Drawing from your rich experience in the field of Fabry, could you offer valuable suggestions for Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal regarding subject research and other pertinent aspects?

Editor: Stella Wang
Language Editor: Catherine Yang
Production Editor: Yan Zhang
Respectfully Submitted by the Journal Editorial Office
Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal

Rare Disease and Orphan Drugs Journal
ISSN 2771-2893 (Online)
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