From: High-silica KFI zeolite: highly efficient synthesis and catalysis in methanol amination reaction

Figure 7. (A) MeOH conversion; (B) MMA plus DMA selectivity; and (C) MMA plus DMA yield over H-KFI-5.4, Na(3%)-KFI-5.4, Na(22%)-KFI-5.4, and Na(60%)-KFI-5.4 catalysts; (D) DME selectivity of H-KFI-5.4 and Na(3%)-KFI-5.4, and the increase in MA selectivity of Na(22%)-KFI-5.4 or Na(60%)-KFI-5.4 over H-KFI-5.4 in MA synthesis at 350 °C, 0.813 h-1 WHSVMeOH, and 2.0 NH3/MeOH. MMA: Monomethylamine; DMA: dimethylamine; DME: dimethyl ether; MA: methylamine; WHSV: weight hourly space velocity.