H$$ _{\infty} $$ fault-tolerant decentralized observer-based PID team formation tracking design for NCS of large-scale LEO satellites
In this study, a simple decentralized H
Recently, due to the anticipated future development of 5G and 6G in wireless communication networks, low earth orbit (LEO) satellites have gained attention for their low power consumption and minimal transmission delay, making them a very popular topic in various research areas[1,2]. In the Amazon, Telesat and SpaceX's project[3], based on the above advantages in systematic characteristics, a very large amount of LEO satellites have been employed for developing a team formation of large-scale satellites or satellite constellations. In the future, large-scale team formations of satellites can enable LEO satellites to attain the global coverage of the earth and solve the corresponding service of satellite coverage for global wireless communication networks in the 5G and 6G era.
Further, LEO satellites need to establish communication with other satellites through Laser Inter Satellite Links (LISLs)[4]. Therefore, their communication is not retrieved to the ground station, but to achieve a more efficient transmission in satellite communication. However, in order to attain an ideal large-scale team formation for ideal service coverage, the altitude and attitude of large-scale LEO satellites must be efficiently estimated and precisely controlled in the ground station based on the desired mission during their flying processes. Therefore, the team formation observer-based trajectory estimation and reference tracking control of large-scale LEO satellites will become an important research topic.
As for the team formation control methods, the leader-follower (L-F) method is the most common due to its relatively simple implementation[5,6]. Followers can be controlled to achieve a desired team formation shape with the leader by keeping at specific altitudes and attitudes. However, in the L-F method, if the leader crashes due to an accident, the formation cannot be maintained[7]. Therefore, the virtual-leader (V-L) scheme is increasingly considered the most suitable team formation control method for practical applications, as it does not crash under a disturbed environment[8,9].
Except for the above methods, team formation tracking control schemes are also suitable for large-scale team formation control systems. In general, they can be separated into centralized[10,11] and decentralized team formation tracking control strategies[12,13]. In the centralized team formation tracking control strategy of satellites, all satellites need to be integrated as a very large augmented system and coordinated by a single large controller. Therefore, this may significantly increase the design difficulty and control computational complexity because the team formation of all satellites has to be achieved simultaneously by one controller and the information of all satellites needs to be processed at once. In general, it is very difficult to design a centralized team formation tracking control for multiple quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). However, the decentralized team formation control strategy of large-scale satellites can be designed independently for each satellite[14,15]. Therefore, the decentralized strategy is more suitable for the team formation control design of large-scale LEO satellites in this study.
In the future 5G and 6G era, to meet the development and application of wireless communication networks, the network control technologies of multi-agents have been widely applied in various research areas[16]. Therefore, in this paper, network control system (NCS) technologies are applied to team formation control design for large-scale LEO satellites, i.e., transmitting the trajectory and control information of each LEO satellite via wireless communication networks. In this situation, the trajectory information of LEO satellites is transmitted from a sender to a ground control station (GCS). Then, GCS estimates the trajectory information by a Luenberger observer from the measured signal and calculates the control signal back for each LEO satellite achieving the desired satellite team formation for a coverage mission[17]. However, the transmission information of output measurement of satellites to the receiver of GCS and control commands from its sender to actuators of satellites via wireless network will suffer from measurement noise, channel noise and malicious attack signals, resulting in the degradation of trajectory estimation and formation tracking performance of NCS of large-scale LEO satellites. In the conventional proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control designs, they always lie in the local linearized systems. Further, PID control designs are seldom applied to large-scale nonlinear dynamic systems with external disturbances, measurement noise, attack signals, and couplings. Therefore, a decentralized observer-based PID control design is appealing for the robust team formation tracking control design of large-scale NCS of LEO satellites in the future. To overcome the effect of malicious attack signals on the degradation of trajectory estimation performance of satellites by a Luenberger observer and on the degradation of PID team formation tracking control performance of LEO satellites, a decentralized robust H
To achieve global coverage for LEO satellite services in the 6G era, the number of LEO satellites in NCS needs to be significantly increased. Therefore, the coupling effects among satellites are unavoidable in the wireless communication network, i.e., co-channel interference (CCI), and must be considered in the observer-based team formation traveling control design of NCS of large-scale LEO satellites[20]. Furthermore, sensor measurement noise and external disturbances affecting satellites are inevitable in the trajectory estimation and formation control of satellites. External disturbances in outer space include the Earth's flattening, aerodynamic drag, solar radiation pressure, and others[21–23]. Consequently, the H
At present, it is still very difficult to efficiently solve this HJIE analytically or numerically. Previously, the altitude and attitude control of satellites have always been designed separately[26]. Recently, to deal with this difficult HJIE problem, the fuzzy interpolation method has been employed for interpolating several local linearized satellite systems at some desired operation points to efficiently approximate the highly nonlinear satellite dynamic system so that the HJIE of each satellite can be transformed to a set of Riccati-like equations and then a set of easier solvable linear matrix inequalities (LMIs)[24,27]. Nevertheless, the transformation process from HJIE to a set of LMIs needs to perform a series of inequality operations, leading to very conservative results. Furthermore, the observer-based team formation fuzzy control requires very complex calculations for each satellite to obtain observer-based fuzzy team formation control signals. More recently, a HJIE-reinforcement deep learning algorithm has been employed to train deep neural networks (DNN) to solve HJIE for the robust H
The conventional PID control has been successfully applied to control designs of linear satellites with several practical applications due to their simple structure and easy implementation with adequate performance[28–33]. Recently, an adaptive PID controller has been proposed for FTC of a quadrotor helicopter system[34]. Robust PID control has been proposed in[31]. A nonlinear PID control has been employed for a quadrotor UAV[32]. However, traditional PID control designs are always based on a local linearized mode at an operation point of a nonlinear dynamic system. Since a nonlinear system such as a satellite has many operation points, a set of PID controllers are typically required to operate at different operation points. Recently, approaches involving the fuzzy interpolation of local linearized systems have been explored to approximate nonlinear systems such as quadrotor UAVs. For example, PID controllers can be interpolated through fuzzy bases to achieve decentralized fuzzy reference tracking control for large-scale quadrotor UAVs. However, if only output measurements are used and a fuzzy observer-based PID controller is employed, the number of required local fuzzy observer-based PID controllers can grow significantly, making the design overly complex. This complexity, combined with challenges such as external disturbances, measurement noise, and system coupling, has hindered the development of observer-based PID control designs for highly nonlinear systems such as quadrotor UAVs and satellites.
Therefore, in this study, a novel reference-based feedforward linearization observer-based PID team formation design is proposed to achieve a decentralized robust H
In the future 5G and 6G wireless communication network era, a large-scale constellation of LEO satellites will be developed for global service coverage of the Earth. In this situation, the crossing among these satellite orbits is unavoidable in the limited space. Therefore, the team formation of large-scale LEO satellites of different satellite orbits is necessary for the future satellite constellation era. At the end of this study, a simulation example of a team formation of 12 LEO satellites in four different orbits under distinct environmental disturbances, couplings and malicious attacks in NCS is provided for a specific coverage task to describe the design procedure and validate the team formation performance of the optimal H
The main contributions of this work are described as follows:
1. Based on the proposed reference-based feedforward linearization scheme, the team formation tracking control design problem of large-scale LEO satellites can be reformulated as an equivalent linear reference tracking control design problem in (10) for each satellite with an equivalent actuator fault. This problem includes the tracking error of reference-based feedforward linearization, external disturbances, coupling and actuator attack signals.Using the two smoothing methods (14) and (16), or by accounting for equivalent actuator and sensor faults, the fault signals are embedded in the formation tracking error system as an independent linear augmented system of each LEO satellite to avoid corruption and simplify the observer-based team formation tracking control design. Finally, we can employ a linear observer-based PID control scheme in (19) for each LEO satellite to achieve the H
2. The smoothing signal model is employed to efficiently model fault and attack signals and then is embedded in the augmented team formation tracking error dynamic in (17) of each satellite to avoid their corruptive effect on the estimation of Luenberger observer and PID team formation control in (19) through their precise estimation for the fault and attack signal compensation by the proposed robust H
3. The actuator saturation constraints on PID control signals are all transformed to LMIs in (33) for each LEO satellite for more practical PID control designs.
4. The optimal H
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, the large-scale satellite systems are introduced and the problem formulation of the decentralized robust H
2.1. Satellite system model
In this paper, suppose that a team formation control scheme of NCS of large-scale LEO satellites is employed to solve a service problem of satellite coverage, as shown in Figure 1. Therefore, the relative motion dynamic models of satellite altitudes and attitudes are needed first to describe the trajectories of large-scale satellites with a desired team formation as follows:
2.1.1. Relative translation dynamic of satellite system
A large-scale team formation system of LEO satellites in Figure 2 consists of a virtual leader satellite and a group of follower satellites. In Figure 2, the coordinate
Figure 2. The coordinate frames of a virtual leader satellite and its follower satellite in the team formation.
2.1.2. Nonlinear attitude dynamic system of satellites
Since the attitude needs to account for the team formation of large-scale satellites, according to the body frame
Assumption 1In this study, the orbit reference frame in the attitude dynamic model of LEO satellites is the same as the LVLH reference model in the relative translation dynamic model [25].
2.2. Problem formulation
Given the Newton-Euler equations in (1) and (2), the relative altitude and attitude dynamic models of each follower satellite in the team formation are highly complex and nonlinear. These models can be combined into the following nonlinear dynamic system of each LEO satellite with control input
To let
Assumption 2In the team formation, the virtual leader information is always available for each follower satellite[24,25].
Given the widespread utilization of conventional PID controllers across various industrial automatic process control applications, this study also leverages these controllers to govern individual satellites to attain the desired team formation. The conventional PID control for the
Nevertheless, traditional PID control techniques have their restrictions, primarily applying to linear or uncomplicated nonlinear dynamic systems. Hence, there is a need to enhance the conventional PID control approach to address the intricate decentralized
Figure 4. The observer-based PID team formation control of NCS of N satellites, where
In this research, the configuration of the team formation observer-based PID control of NCS of
Assumption 3Actuator attack signal, sensor attack signal and external disturbance [24,25],
Now, substituting the control law
Then, we define
In this study, to estimate fault signals by the following traditional for the equivalent actuator and sensor observer for the FTC design, a novel dynamic smoothing model is proposed for the equivalent actuator and sensor fault signals
In the same way, we could extrapolate the future sensor fault signal
Embedding (14) and (16) into (11), we get the following linear decoupled augmented tracking error system of each satellite:
Assumption 4The augmented tracking error system in (17) is observable, i.e.,
that is, the dimension of
Remark 1In order to satisfy the observability condition in (18), the extrapolation coefficients
Because the fault signals are embedded into a state vector of the augmented tracking error system in (17), we can not only estimate them by a Luenberger observer but also compensate the corruption effect of these fault signals by a PID controller. The following fault-tolerant Luenberger observer-based PID controller is proposed, at the remote side in Figure 4, to accomplish an active decentralized H
Remark 2From (6), the fault-tolerant observer-based PID controller is given by
Combining (17), (19) and (20), we can get the following augmented reference tracking and estimation error system of each satellite:
To specify PID control gains
If we can find the PID control gain
Lemma 1For any matrices
Lemma 2(Schur Complement[38]) For the matrices
Then, the following theorem is proposed:
Theorem 1(i) If there exist matrices
(ii) If
Proof. (ⅰ) Choose the Lyapunov function
By (21) and Lemma 1, we have:
Substituting (19), (27) and
Thus, if (25) holds, (22) also holds.
(ⅱ) If
Although the Riccati-like matrix inequalities in (25) for the existence of the
Step 1: To begin with, let the Lyapunov energy function of the augmented system in (21) be the sum of two Lyapunov functions of two subsystems (17) and (20), i.e.,
By the fact that
Step 2: By substituting
However, due to the integral action of the controller, actuator saturation is always a concern in this PID control design. This is because the control law is inevitably limited and restricted by the physical saturation of the actuator in the practical application of LEO satellites. The PID control law of the
That is, if
If the optimal robust
Remark 3(i) The actuator saturation constraints in (32) are based on
Remark 4The optimal H
Based on the above analyses, the main challenge of implementing this
Remark 5The design complexity of the solution of the LMI-constrained optimization problem in (34) for
The design procedure of the optimal decentralized
1. Apply the feedforward control
2. Construct the smoothing signal models (14) and (16) for the actuator fault
3. Employ the observer-based fault-tolerant PID control tracking design in (19) to achieve the decentralized robust H
4. Solve the LMI-constrained optimization problem in (34) for
For more practical application, the above design procedure can be designed in
Algorithm 1 Optimal Robust Decentralized Require: Smooth signal model parameters Ensure: Optimal PID control gain 1: while 2: if Assumption 2 holds then 3: Solve the BMI problem in (25) with two-step LMIs; 4: Step 1: 5: Solve LMIs in (30) and (33) to get 6: if 7: Step 2: 8: Substituting 9: Solve the LMIs problem (31) to get 10: if 11: Update optimal solution 12: 13: 14: end if 15: else 16: Can't solve LMIs problem, redesign; 17: end if 18: else 19: Smooth signal models are unobservable, redesign 20: end if 21: end while
In the future 6G wireless communication era, large-scale satellite constellations will be developed using low-orbit satellites. In the limited space of LEO, the intersection of satellite orbits seems unavoidable. In this simulation scenario, we consider not only the altitude and attitude of satellites within a single orbit but also the team formation involving the crossing of four different satellite orbits at the same altitude. By implementing appropriate orbit planning and maintaining precise altitude and attitude control, these LEO satellites can not only be easily employed for coverage service tasks but also effectively prevent collision incidents.
4.1. Design specifications of the satellites system
Suppose 12 satellites in a team [Figure 5] are employed for a mission with four different orbits with an inclination of
Figure 5. A team formation of 12 LEO satellites with coverage service in four crossing orbits (the fourth virtual leader is on another hemisphere).
Due to the corruption effect of malicious attack signals via two wireless network channels [Figure 4], two fifth-order (
Figure 7. The equivalent fault signals of actuator
Figure 8. The equivalent fault signals of sensor
Besides, the effect of the following environmental disturbances in each satellite orbit such as solar radiation pressure, earth flattening, and aerodynamic drag in (1), (2), [21], [36] must be considered in the design procedure:
The CCI can manifest between satellites. Based on the characteristics of CCI, its potency correlates with the separation distance between the two transmitters. In essence, when two satellites are in close proximity, the CCI's influence becomes more pronounced. Consequently, CCI predominantly emerges between two neighboring satellites within the formation consortium. Within this simulation, the coupling terms are employed to depict the impact of CCI on the satellite system as follows[40]:
where the velocity and angle velocity of the
For the decentralized H
In this simulation example, the orbits of the virtual leaders are shown in Figure 5. The orbital elements are given as follows:
The followers of each virtual leader are shown in Figure 6, with three followers forming an equilateral triangle in which the length of three sides are all 50km and the virtual leader lies in the centroid of the triangle. In the satellite attitude for this task of coverage service, the desired attitude reference trajectories are specified for 12 satellites as follows[41]:
According to the above desired reference trajectory of each satellite, based on the desired target reference trajectory
The reference trajectories of 12 satellites (i.e., the formation shape
Orbit | Satellite | The reference |
Orbit Ⅰ | Satellite1 | |
Orbit Ⅰ | Satellite2 | |
Orbit Ⅰ | Satellite3 | |
Orbit Ⅱ | Satellite4 | |
Orbit Ⅱ | Satellite5 | |
Orbit Ⅱ | Satellite6 | |
Orbit Ⅲ | Satellite7 | |
Orbit Ⅲ | Satellite8 | |
Orbit Ⅲ | Satellite9 | |
Orbit Ⅳ | Satellite10 | |
Orbit Ⅳ | Satellite11 | |
Orbit Ⅳ | Satellite12 |
The initial states of 12 satellites in team formation
Orbit | Satellite | The initial conditions |
Orbit Ⅰ | Satellite1 | |
Orbit Ⅰ | Satellite2 | |
Orbit Ⅰ | Satellite3 | |
Orbit Ⅱ | Satellite4 | |
Orbit Ⅱ | Satellite5 | |
Orbit Ⅱ | Satellite6 | |
Orbit Ⅲ | Satellite7 | |
Orbit Ⅲ | Satellite8 | |
Orbit Ⅲ | Satellite9 | |
Orbit Ⅳ | Satellite10 | |
Orbit Ⅳ | Satellite11 | |
Orbit Ⅳ | Satellite12 |
4.2. Simulation and discussion
Using the above parameter settings and Algorithm 1 to solve the LMI-constrained optimization problem in (34), the simulation results of the optimal robust H
Figure 7 shows the equivalent fault signals of actuator
The tracking trajectories of the six states, estimated states and desired references of the 12th satellite are shown in Figure 9. It can be seen that the team formation tracking and estimation of satellites can reach and be maintained at the desired steady state under the influence of malicious attack signals, external disturbance and CCI coupling.
Figure 9. The relative altitude
The relative distance and velocity of the first three follower satellites in orbit Ⅰ of the team formation are given in Figure 10 and Figure 11, respectively. We can see that the relative distance of the satellite team formation can be kept with the desired triangle formation in Figure 6 in the steady state. Figure 12 and Figure 13 show the angle and angle velocity of the first three follower satellites in orbit Ⅰ, respectively. It can be seen that the angle can be kept with the desired attitude we designed in (39) at the steady state. The relative distance and velocity of all 12 follower satellites in four orbits of the team formation are shown in Figure 14 and Figure 15, respectively. The tracking performance of angle and angle velocity (i.e., the attitude) of all 12 follower satellites in four orbits are shown in Figure 16 and 17, respectively.
The feedforward reference control inputs of the 12th satellite
Figure 18. The control inputs
The average optimal
As shown in Table 3, the real average attenuation level of the proposed method is calculated as follows:
The real attenuation level
Satellite | The real disturbance attenuation level |
Satellite1 | |
Satellite2 | |
Satellite3 | |
Satellite4 | |
Satellite5 | |
Satellite6 | |
Satellite7 | |
Satellite8 | |
Satellite9 | |
Satellite10 | |
Satellite11 | |
Satellite12 |
which is much less than the average optimal
According to the simulation results, we can validate that the proposed optimal robust H
Remark 6In practice, the communication time between the satellite and the ground station may be only a few minutes in one cycle. Therefore, our simulation time is considered to be 100 seconds, within which the trajectories of LEO satellites in the desired team formation could be estimated and tracked precisely by the proposed robust decentralized observer-based PID team formation control method.
4.3. Simulation comparison and discussion
In this subsection, for comparison, the decentralized robust H
Figure 19. The attitude and altitude formation tracking performance of the 1st satellites with fault signals by the proposed decentralized
Figure 20. The relative velocity and angular velocity tracking performance of the 1st satellites with fault signals by the proposed method in comparison with the T-S fuzzy state feedback control method in[24].
In this study, the robust H
Authors' contributions
Concept development and data acquisition: Chen BS
Manuscript drafting: Liang CC
Manuscript modification: Wang LH
Availability of data and materials
All data and materials used in the research were produced by the authors as part of the study and explicitly detailed in the manuscript's methodology section.
Financial support and sponsorship
Conflicts of interest
All authors declared that there are no conflicts of interest.
Ethical approval and consent to participate
Not applicable.
Consent for publication
Not applicable.
© The Author(s) 2025.
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Chen, B. S.; Liang, C. C.; Wang, L. H. H
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