
Figure 4. Therapeutic options to mediate intracellular uptake and extracellular release. (1) Competitive binding agents inhibit intracellular uptake via LAG3 and HSPGs[41,45,98-100]. Lysine modification on LRP1 inhibits LRP1-driven intracellular uptake[43]; (2) Tetrodotoxin and Tetanus toxin impair the extracellular release of pathologic tau from axon terminals by blocking the Na+/K+ ATPase and AMPAR pathways, respectively[46,47]. Created with AMPAR: AMPA receptors; HSPG: heparan sulfate proteoglycan; LAG3: lymphocyte-activation gene 3; LRP1: lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1; TTX: tetrodotoxin.