
Standardized protocol proposed for clinical use of L-PRF and the use of L-PRF Wound Box®

Figure 5. Membrane L-PRF of 60 min by the compression horsepower (hematoxylin-eosin staining). (A) III proximal 25× White Blood Cell-Erythrocytes-pattern Fibrin; (B) medium-III 25× pattern Fibrin; (C) III proximal 60× pattern of Fibrin on the right, the center lymphocytes, erythrocytes and granulocytes Neutrophils to left; (D) III proximal 60× Fibrin on the right, the center lymphocytes, erythrocytes and granulocytes neutrophils to left; (E) average III 60× pattern of fibrin with Lymphocyte; (F) smear of red clot 40× presence of platelets in a carpet of red cells; (G) red clot smear 40× presence of erythrocytes and many platelets; (H) red clot smear 100× presence of many platelets in a carpet of red cells (may-grǔnwald-giemsa staining)

Journal of Unexplored Medical Data
ISSN 2572-8180 (Online)
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