
Supermicrosurgical lymphaticovenular anastomosis <i>vs. </i>vascularized lymph vessel transplant - technical optimization and when to perform which

Figure 3. In this representative case of upper extremity lymphedema, ICG lymphography was contraindicated due to iodine allergy, necessitating intraoperative exploration to locate suitable lymphatics for LVA. (A) Because the anatomy of the superficial lymphatic system closely follows that of the superficial venous system, incisions (red lines) were planned near infrared-mapped veins (dotted blue lines). (B) All incisions used were positive for suitable lymphatic vessels; diagrams depict the anastomotic configurations chosen at each incision site. ICG: Indocyanine green; LVA: lymphaticovenular anastomosis.

Plastic and Aesthetic Research
ISSN 2349-6150 (Online)   2347-9264 (Print)


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